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Researchers at King's College London have found that quinoa helps to celiacs to regenerate gluten tolerance. It is checked that if a celiac carries a gluten-free diet http://www.celiacos.com/category/productos-sin-gluten/ but rich in quinoa, it can restore bowel function in much less time. The results obtained so far by the team of researchers were presented by the biochemist in Spanish Víctor Zeballos, in the Third World Congress of Quinoa, held in Oruro, Bolivia. The central aim of the study is to find out to what extent quinoa is beneficial to celiacs, and how it regulates the intestine and how it can be used to fight celiac disease. So far, researchers have determined that with periodic consumption of quinoa, celiacs improve the small intestine and restore normal bowel villi much faster than with the simple gluten-free diet. Source: FAO and other authors.